Nano, Day the First

It’s today right up until midnight tonight, right?

So far, I have not written 1667 words today. I have, however, created a 14-minute movie out of our vacation photos and have decided I might just like Mac better than PC. Between that and 91-cent-a-litre gasoline, this might just be the Apocalypse.

3 Responses to “Nano, Day the First”

  1. Keith Wilson Says:

    You better stick with the PC, it has less toys to distract you. That’s what Gates wants – less goofing off and more productivity.

  2. theresthisbench Says:

    haha, MAC ATTACK! Do it upp. Movie = amazing. WTG mom!

  3. Linda Sherwood Says:

    Say it ain’t so!

    The movie sounds great. 🙂 The daughter learned it has to be less than 10 minutes to upload it to YouTube. FIY only.

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