Scary stuff

I’m almost ready to declare this the Halloween that wasn’t. My role in the hauntings and happenings seems to have been reduced (in part, by me) to purchasing the Halloween candy.

I didn’t dress up. I didn’t purchase, or carve, the pumpkin. I didn’t participate in the costuming of the Baby. I didn’t chaperone any trick-or-treaters and I didn’t sit on the porch and dole out the goodies.

I did, however, sit and fret quietly all day today until the Green Kangaroo, away at University, posted on her Facebook.  Always nice to know she has returned from the par-tay-ing safely.

The Baby opted to go door-to-door with her cousin across town, and TKATGATI sat on the porch swing with Her Boyfriend to dole out. The Dog barked and The Man shushed. I napped.

Thus endeth a chapter of parenting and I didn’t even see it coming. And I’m not sure how I feel about that. Halloween was never my “holiday” but I’m not thrilled with feeling irrelevant.

One Response to “Scary stuff”

  1. universityandtheuniverse Says:

    You’re not irrelevant, mama.
    I’ll help you make a costume for next year so you can join in the festivities,
    I missed halloween at home 😦

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